Platypus Advisors team

What We Do

We’re a team of doers with unapologetic optimism and commitment to accelerating positive social change.


Design and implement a social impact program that’s authentic to your company and product, with the right partners. We specialize in integrated impact, so we’ll also help you achieve internal alignment and executive buy-in.

Program Management

Put some of your work on our shoulders. From administrative services to project management, stakeholder management, and the nitty gritty of program implementation, we’re here to be your extra team members or fractional leaders. Your resources in an under-resourced world.

Thought Leadership

Elevate yourself, your message, and/or your executives in the impact ecosystem. Whatever the conference or summit, we’ll help you get on stage—and prepare you to crush it.


Become the impact leader you know you can be. We specialize in helping people from underrepresented groups in the corporate world step up in their careers and shine as their authentic selves.

Cross-Sector Partnership

Create authentic, meaningful partnerships that benefit everyone. This is our expertise as platypi: We’ve sat at all sides of these tables, from corporate to nonprofit, and we know how to connect them for lasting impact.

Our Expertise

  • Technology

  • Retail / CPG

  • Education

  • CSR

  • ESG


  • Corporate Philanthropy

  • Foundations

  • Nonprofits

Platypus Advisors our expertise